Blessing of the Fleet and Reading of Names Ceremony
Every year at 10:00 AM on the First Saturday in May, we meet at the Memorial to dedicate new names to add to the Wall, welcome those recently engraved, read each name on the Wall, and bless the commercial fishing fleet, as well as any other vessels wishing to participate (we've had pleasure craft, CBJ and USCG vessels, and even the Malaspina).
The entire ceremony typically takes around 30 minutes and is broadcast on VHF Channel 10. Vessels wishing to participate in the blessing should muster near the Memorial by 10:00 AM, inside the south cruise ship berth if conditions permit (there are D-rings on the shore side of the cruise float, and the Customs Office float is usually also available during the ceremony). The first boat will be called for by name and it will lay a wreath. Subsequent boats should undertake a drive-by as conditions and positioning dictate (there is no set order). Anything that can be done to keep the process moving expeditiously is appreciated.
If you are planning on participating in the Blessing of the Fleet, feel free to contact us ahead of time so we can coordinate (or, just show up).
So as to maximize inclusivity, this annual ceremony is a secular event with a beautiful non-secular component. The Blessings given to participating vessels and the invocation are non-denominational. The list of names is read by a volunteer from the community, and those lost remembered by their loved ones as they each see fit. All are welcome.
Flowers are typically available at the ceremony, donated by Juneau's florists. Please dress for the weather.
Video of 2020 Virtual Ceremony
--If you have any feedback, particularly on pronunciation, please contact us.
Older programs wil be added as they are unearthed from paper archives. The first ceremony was in 1991. The Memorial Wall was largely completed in 1996.
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